Danno Industries was founded April 24, 2004 as a big-business type industry by a rich yet unknown entrepreneur as an experimental project. Today it has not grown at all, but its headquarters still remain in historic Rockefeller Center. The purpose of this blog is to help the company get itself "out there". Feel free to explore the site but remember: most of the info on this site will make little sense to anyone except associates closely related to industry.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


As many of our regular readers know (yes, we think we have regular readers), Danno Industries bears a strong resembelance to the Tibicen linnei, or cicada. You know...those pesky buggie buzzie things that come out like once a year and annoying the living heck out of everyone? Well, we too, usually come out once a year and...(okay, drop that last part). Well, this year, it is going to be different. Someone has dared to interrupt the yearly ritual that Danno Industries completes every year...SOMEONE IS SUING THE INDUSTRY!

We here at the Industry prefer to use the word "impeach"...for we believe we had a spot of power in the American economy, a spot that was highly regarded and had a lot of influence. We believe that we were "elected" by the American public to do good in society. And this suit is just a way that one particular individual is trying to "impeach" us, and stop us from completing our sacred duty.

So, how is the Industry going to react? Heck, we're number 4,999 on the famed Fortune 5000 list. I think we know what we're doing!