Danno Industries was founded April 24, 2004 as a big-business type industry by a rich yet unknown entrepreneur as an experimental project. Today it has not grown at all, but its headquarters still remain in historic Rockefeller Center. The purpose of this blog is to help the company get itself "out there". Feel free to explore the site but remember: most of the info on this site will make little sense to anyone except associates closely related to industry.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bad Habits

Good evening, readers. Or should I say, good morning? Well, its 8 minutes to midnight, so technically I still have a few moments of the day left...

You're probably wondering why I have so mercifully chosen to return to my blog. Yes, the recession took its toll on the Industry, and I was forced to lay up a couple months in a restaurant washing dishes. But we've since recovered. And when I use "we've", I mean the collective "we've". As in my business is a one-man show. But, I'm going all tangential on everybody here...

The real reason why I have returned is because I have a bad habit, and I want to get rid of it. No, its not a drug habit, or anything sexy like that. Rather than doing some wives' tale ritual (hey, I know the phrase wives' tale ritual has yet to be invented, but I'm writing on the fly here so give me a break) to kick the habit, I thought I'd post here more often as a reminder to myself that I have other, better, more creative things to do than this particular habit.

I am going to post here once a day for however long I feel like it. For however long it takes to satisfy me that I am clean of this habit..

If you haven't tried to kick a habit before, it's a hard thing to do. I know, because I've tried many times, and failed miserably...

But hey, everybody hates a rambling blog post. And the damn ticker I installed on the bottom of my tv froze again. (S&P 5,000,000:DAN) So I guess it's time to go now.

Oh yeah. I'm writing/doing this for myself.


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