Danno Industries was founded April 24, 2004 as a big-business type industry by a rich yet unknown entrepreneur as an experimental project. Today it has not grown at all, but its headquarters still remain in historic Rockefeller Center. The purpose of this blog is to help the company get itself "out there". Feel free to explore the site but remember: most of the info on this site will make little sense to anyone except associates closely related to industry.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

One Year, Some more employees!!!

We the people of Danno Industries want to make it clear that the failing company of Zacho Industries has merged with us. We get the jobs, the ideas, everything but the name. Zacho industries does not want the name Danno Industries, so we had to make up a new name, Zano Industries. Thus the Parent Company, Zano Industries was founded. So let it be known now and forever, that sentences and solitude shall withstand be the might of our Industry. But we at Danno Industries have a back-up plan. Should Zano Industries crash (it will inevitably), in the end Danno Industries will remain. For even though part of Danno Industries will become Zano Industries, we will still have a part that is independent, and that part is the heart.

Time for dinner!!!

And with my absolute closing (I really have to go) let it be known that out of Danno, came Zanno.