Danno Industries was founded April 24, 2004 as a big-business type industry by a rich yet unknown entrepreneur as an experimental project. Today it has not grown at all, but its headquarters still remain in historic Rockefeller Center. The purpose of this blog is to help the company get itself "out there". Feel free to explore the site but remember: most of the info on this site will make little sense to anyone except associates closely related to industry.

Monday, October 06, 2008

The Wall Street 'ession Yo.

Oh. My. Goodness. It's been two years, and Danno Industies has not made a single update to the website. Not that this is shocking, but I digress.

We have become victims of the 'ession. Not the recession, depression, or lack of cession. Just the 'ession.

The Industry was the meatball at the top of the spaghetti. Someone dropped the plate, and we were the first to slide off. Now we're laying patiently on the ground, waiting for that one special someone to come along and help pick us up.

Unfortunately, there is no five-second rule. Heck, we didn't want to get picked up off the ground and get put back on the plate by that shady waiter! Who likes those guys, anyway! Always treating you nice in order to get that extra tip, checking back on you, even going so far to get an extra salad dressing you really didn't order but just want to store in your refrigerator. Eck!


Instead, in the best interest of our customers, we went bankrupt(and thus slipped off the famed Fortune 5000 list). Wah.

Due to a generous grant from the CEO's maternal advisor, Danno Industries has moved its headquarters from Rockefeller center to a more residential, peaceful, basement-esque area. We will continue to provide updates on this most unfortunate situation.


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